RHE (Relationships and Health Education)

RHE, also known as ‘PSHE’

We were proud to have been an ‘early adopter’ school for relationships and health education in 2019/20; reflecting the importance our school places on preparing children to be mentally and physically healthy, and the teaching of compassion and understanding of the diversity in our world.

PSHE in Sutton Veny School is taught weekly through focused lessons and circle times, and is given high priority in the curriculum. PSHE gives children the opportunity to share their ideas and experiences in a safe climate, where they learn to communicate effectively. We strongly believe that PSHE is a valuable tool for children to become whole and rounded individuals; recognising that their physical and mental well-being forms a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

During lessons, the children explore different kinds of relationships, and how to keep themselves safe within these. They learn about how to keep mentally and physically healthy; dealing with difficult feelings and about their wellbeing.
The children follow a programme of different learning opportunities and experiences that help them grow and develop as individuals, as members of families and of different communities. They begin to learn more about equality and diversity; celebrating being unique.

They take pride in recording their written work, but their learning may also take place in a more cross-curricular way through experiences such as story, drama, art or music.
The children in Key stage one and two learn about themselves, and the wider society through the following themes, which are differentiated for each year group using a  scheme of work which reflects our changing society and is up to date with the new 2020 statutory objectives for Relationships and Health education. Lessons will also include elements of ‘British values’ (Learning about democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs, and those without faith.)
The core themes are:

  • TERM’s 1 and 2- Relationships (including anti-bullying week)
  • TERM’s 3 and 4-Living in the wider world (Economic wellbeing, being a responsible citizen including e-safety focus)
  • TERM’s 4 and 5-Physical health and mental wellbeing (including sex education for older children)
  • Each year, the whole school will explore ‘Anti-bullying’ through a themed week every November. We believe strongly in working to try and minimise bullying and are proud to be named an ‘Altogether now’ school, through the anti-bullying alliance. We have been officially recognising and exploring national Anti-bullying week, for the past 10 years. Anti-bullying is a strand that runs across many areas of school life and is not only a focus each November. Please see our Anti Bullying Policy and share our child-friendly pupil anti bullying policy -front page pupil anti bullying policy- back pages, to read more about how we try to keep all children safe and happy in our school. (Policies in green found below).
  • Throughout the year, we also recognise and focus our learning on other important strands such as ‘Public health awareness’ competitions, National safer internet day, and wider world issues such as ‘Fairtrade’.
Each circle on the tree has been  created by every child within Sutton Veny C of E School to celebrate how individually we are unique; but when we come together we can create beauty.

Anti Bullying Policy

Pupil Anti Bullying Policy - Front Page

Pupil Anti Bullying Policy - Back Page

Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf

Statutory Relationships and Sex Education Overview.pdf

PSHE Progression assessment sheets

PSHE Scheme of work

To find out more about PSHE topics for each year group, please visit individual class pages or open the links below:
We welcome any questions or feedback you may have about this subject; you can contact your child’s class teacher or our PSHE subject leader for more information.