Teaching & Learning
- to give children the best possible education
- to help every child to thrive and fulfil their potential
- to develop the positive qualities, attitudes and behaviours that will help the children succeed in life
- to provide a safe, encouraging and and supportive environment for learning.
- are motivated and engaged
- feel valued and respected
- are resilient, confident and have high self-esteem
- develop pride in their achievements
- are given opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills they are taught
- have clear routines and structures in place
- have the opportunity to reflect and evaluate
- make positive contributions
- are supported and challenged appropriately
- listen and engage effectively
- have a sense of ownership over their learning
- discuss their ideas and views with others
- are praised and encouraged
- are given constructive feedback.
We believe highly effective teaching takes place when teachers …
- have a passion for teaching and learning
- are well-planned, organised and well-resourced
- have high standards of the children's conduct and learning behaviour
- develop positive relationships with the children
- have high expectations of what children can achieve
- plan thoroughly and set clear objectives for each lesson
- have excellent subject knowledge and pedagogical understanding
- can adapt their teaching strategies effectively
- question pupils effectively
- engage and involve pupils to maintain their interest
- provide clear instruction, models and scaffolding to help the children to understand concepts
- set clear, realistic targets to promote progress
- use assessments to identify pupils’ strengths and difficulties
- work collaboratively and share best practice
- are self-reflective and eager to improve their own practice
- are motivated and supported to innovate and develop their own practice
- have access to high-quality professional development.
The quality of teaching is the most important factor in securing progress and positive outcomes for the children. As a result, we are committed to improving our practice and developing the pedagogical approaches of our staff, so that teaching and learning continues to develop and improve.