Pupil Premium and Service Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Government considers Pupil Premium (PP) to be a key element of their Education Policy. The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England. It’s designed to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities perform better, and close the gap between them and their peers. In the 2020-2021 financial year, schools will receive the following funding for each pupil registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years: £1,345 for pupils in reception to year 6.

Schools also receive additional funding for any pupil who has left local authority care as a result of:

  • adoption
  • a special guardianship order
  • a child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order)
  • who has been in local authority care for 1 day or more
  • recorded as both eligible for FSM in the last 6 years and as being looked after (or as having left local authority care)
  • For pupils who attract the £2,300 rate, the virtual school head of the local authority that looks after the pupil will manage the funding.

How is the Pupil Premium used at Sutton Veny CofE Primary School?

At Sutton Veny, the following principles underpin our decisions of how the Pupil Premium funding is used:

  • we ensure that quality-first teaching meets the needs of all pupils
  • we ensure that appropriate provision is put in place for children who belong to vulnerable groups, including those who may be socially disadvantaged
  • we understand and recognise that not all pupils that may be socially disadvantaged are registered, or qualify to receive, Free School Meals
  • we are also aware that pupils who receive Free School Meals may not be socially disadvantaged
  • we will use and allocate the funding based on the needs of different classes, groups or individuals
The Government has given schools discretion in how to use the the funding to meet the needs of its pupils. The approaches used at Sutton Veny include:

  • focusing on providing consistent emotional and social support
  • deploying support staff effectively for pastoral care and academic support
  • providing targeted group, or one-to-one support, led by a teacher or teaching assistant

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021

Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-21

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022.pdf

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023.pdf

The Service Pupil Premium

The Department for Education introduced the Service Pupil Premium (SPP) in April 2011 in recognition of the specific challenges children from service families face and as part of the commitment to delivering the armed forces covenant.

It is designed to assist the school in providing the additional support that these children may need and is currently worth £300 per service child who meets the eligibility criteria.

How is the Service Pupil Premium used at Sutton Veny CofE Primary School?

At Sutton Veny, we strive to create a learning environment where all the children have the opportunity to succeed and thrive. We recognise that the needs of service pupils may be more complex and could relate to their emotional well-being, their social relationships, or their academic progress. As a school, we use the SPP in the following ways to support the children:

  • maintaining of seven class structure and placing a teaching assistant in each class. This provides consistency and continuity for the children as well as ensuring they receive the pastoral and academic support they need
  • employing a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) to provide targeted support for individual children
  • continuing our long standing traditions of reflecting on the work of the military, through our Remembrance and ANZAC Services
  • seeking opportunities for the children of service families through outside organisations: Reading Force and Little Troopers Charities
  • providing the children with scrap books to record their achievements while parents are away on active service
  • applying for additional grants to enhance the provision we provide for service pupils