Brisbane (Year 1)

Mrs Edwards

Class Teacher

 Mrs Shinar 
Class teacher Fridays

Mrs Ellis

Teaching Partner

Early Morning Activities

The children will use this time to review and practise basic skills in maths, handwriting, spelling and reading. They will also have the opportunity to play and learn outside in the Role Play shed. Over the term, there will also be several activities outside linked to our maths, English and Science work.  On Friday’s session, the children will practise their weekly spellings through engaging activities and have a spelling quiz.



English is taught daily from Monday to Thursday 

This term, Brisbane Class will cover the following:

  • Stories from other cultures. We will be creating story maps and learning some actions to help us. We will then innovate the stories, creating a version of our own using some new vocabulary, adjectives and focusing on getting the punctuation just right, We will link back to our prior learning on traditional tales to find similarities and differences.

  • Writing non chronological reports(2 weeks) we will read all about animals and create our own fact files about our favourites,.
  • Poetry (2 weeks): The children will read a poem based on  the season of winter  and then create their own.


In Year One, Phonics is taught on a daily basis from Monday to Thursday. We will be focusing on phase 4 and 5 sounds and recapping those from last year. We will also learn tricky words (words that can't be worked out using phonics) associated with these phases and ensure we use them correctly in our writing. 

Children will be bringing home spellings to learn this term, we will also be working on them in class too. 

Thank you for your support at home with practising spellings and hearing your child read regularly. It really does make a difference to all areas of learning.


We will use the following vocabulary regularly in our Phonics sessions:

Phoneme – a sound in a word

Grapheme  a letter or sequence of letters that represents a phoneme

Digraph – two letters that make one sound (e.g. ‘ai’ in rain)

Trigraph – three letters that make one sound (e.g. ‘igh’ in bright)

Split digraph – two letters that make one long vowel sound but they are split with other letters placed in between. You would have possibly learnt them as ‘magic e’ at school (e.g. ‘a-e’ as in name or taste)

Suffix – a group of letters added to the end of a word that changes the word’s meaning.

Prefix – a group of letters added to the start of a word that changes the word’s meaning.  




Maths is taught daily from Monday to Thursday. Each session will start with a Number Sense lesson - the number equivalent of phonics which supports the underpinning understanding of the number system. During the maths session, the children will have the opportunity to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving within each unit. 


This term, Brisbane class will cover the following objectives:

  • Place value: we will be looking at the number system to 20 and beyond, counting in 10s and 2s.
  • Addition and subtraction:  Children will use number sense strategies and real objects to add and subtract beyond 20
  • Length and Height. We will be learning to compare lengths and heights (and the difference between the two mathematical words), We will also begin to measure more accurately using first objects and then centimetres


This term, the children will be learning all about animals. They will learn to classify them into mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and insects. They will investigate what they eat and the key characteristics of their habitats. They will also learn where humans fit in the animal world.

History and Geography

 In History  this term our topic is called Up Up and Away. Children will learn the timeline of human flight, and the key inventions that enable us to fly. They will get the opportunity to design and make paper aeroplanes with a test at the end to see which design flies the furthest!


Computing will continue to be taught across the curriculum to enrich the children's learning in Maths and English and to develop their computing skills. This term will be all about using increasing independence to access and navigate simple computer programs.


In Art this term we will be working on mosaics, and looking at the work of a variety of artists in this field. We will be creating our own hot air balloon artworks using this technique.


RE will be taught weekly. This term our topic is the Jewish Shabbat. 

We will expect children to be able to: discuss why Shabbat is important to Jewish children, what special things happen during Shabbat, relate the idea of special objects and events to their own lives and express how they feel about them, show an understanding of what might make an object or event holy.


In PSHE this term we will be learning about living in a wider world. This will include  the idea that individuals can have a positive impact on groups and communities to which they belong. We will aim to enable the children to identify that they belong to various groups and communities and ways in which they contribute positively to these. In this unit, children learn about community, being good neighbours and looking after the environment. They will also learn about Britain, what it means to be British, about diversity and the importance of celebrating and being respectful of our differences


PE lessons are taught twice weekly on a Wednesday and a Thursday this term. Children will continue to get changed as they did in Auckland class so please bring kit in on the first day of term and it will go home for a wash at the end of term. On Wednesdays children will work on ball games with Mr Lewis and on Thursdays we will be learning to create sequences of movements in response to music.