Brisbane (Year 1)

Mrs Edwards

Class Teacher

Mrs Cary

Teaching Partner

Early Morning Activities

The children will use this time to review and practise basic skills in maths, handwriting, spelling and reading. They will also have the opportunity to play and learn outside in the Role Play shed. Over the term, there will also be several activities outside linked to our maths, English and Science work. They will also take part in Guided Reading sessions each week. On Friday’s session, the children will practise their weekly spellings through engaging activities and have a spelling quiz.



English is taught daily from Monday to Friday. 

This term, Brisbane Class will cover the following:

  • Princess and the Pea (3 weeks): Read and learn the story, creating a story map and learning some actions to help us. We will then innovate the story, creating a version of our own using some new vocabulary, adjectives and focusing on getting the punctuation just right.
  • Recount (2 weeks): The children will be recounting our visit to Wardour Castle by first creating a whole class recount to learn and then innovating to make it their own individual write up.
  • Poetry (1 week): The children will read a range of poems linked to our artsweek work.



In Year One, Phonics is taught on a daily basis from Monday to Friday. We will be recapping phase four and five sounds, moving on to alternative pronunciations of other sounds. We will also learn tricky words (words that can't be worked out using phonics) associated with these phases and ensure we use them correctly in our writing.

Children will be bringing home spellings to learn this term, we will also be working on them in class too. 

Thank you for your continued support at home with practising spellings and hearing your child read regularly. It really does make a difference to all areas of learning.


We will continue to use the following vocabulary regularly in our Phonics sessions:

Phoneme – a sound in a word

Grapheme a letter or sequence of letters that represents a phoneme

Digraph – two letters that make one sound (e.g. ‘ai’ in rain)

Trigraph – three letters that make one sound (e.g. ‘igh’ in bright)

Split digraph – two letters that make one long vowel sound but they are split with other letters placed in between. You would have possibly learnt them as ‘magic e’ at school (e.g. ‘a-e’ as in name or taste)

Suffix – a group of letters added to the end of a word that changes the word’s meaning.

Prefix – a group of letters added to the start of a word that changes the word’s meaning.  




Maths is taught daily from Monday to Friday. Each session will start with a Number Sense lesson - the number equivalent of phonics which supports the underpinning understanding of the number system. During the maths session, the children will have the opportunity to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving within each unit. 


This term, Brisbane class will cover the following objectives:

  • Multiplication and Division : Children will learn to count in 2s 5s and 10s, building on their work from last year. They will create arrays, make equal groups and learn about the links to addition and subtraction.
  • Fractions: We will be learning to find halves and quarters of objects and quantities.


This term, the children will be learning all about plants. We will be looking at the plants we have grown outside and how they change over time. We will also use our outside learning to use the weather station we created and observe what is happening in our local environment. We will also plant more seeds as part of our outside learning.

History and Geography

 In History  this term our topic is Castles. We will be looking at different types of castles and what they were for as well as what it was like to live in one. We will visit Wardour Castle, and turn our outside roleplay into a castle.


Computing will continue to be taught across the curriculum to enrich the children's learning in Maths and English and to develop their computing skills. Specific skills we will learn will be to use Revelation Natural Art to create art works and develop mouse skills.



In Art this term we will be celebrating arts week with our focused artist being Georgia O'Keefe. We will also learn some skills for basic printing using string and cardboard to create repeating patterns linked to our science work on plants and patterns from nature.



RE will be taught weekly. This term children will be working on the topic of How Are  Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur important to Jewish children? They will learn that: 

  • The idea of repentance and forgiveness are at the heart of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
  • How these ideas can relate to everyone, not just those of Jewish faith
  • Important aspects of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur


In PSHE this term we will be learning about being healthy. Children will learn

  • What is a healthy lifestyle?
  • Why is dental health important?
  • Why is it important to be clean?



PE lessons are taught twice weekly on a Wednesday and a Tuesday this term. On Wednesdays the children will be doing yoga with Miss Last, learning how to move their bodies in purposeful ways and mindfulness techniques. On a Tuesday we will be learning basic ball game skills using throwing and catching and hitting a target. We will be learning the important skill of learning and following rules and being a team player.


 Our trip will take place this term on Thursday 9th May, we will be visiting Old Wardour castle.
More information to come!