Our Curriculum

We aim to give the children the best possible education, foster a love of learning and develop academic and social skills in a safe, supportive and caring environment, where individuals are valued. Our curriculum comprises all of the learning experiences that we carefully plan for the children to enable them to enjoy, learn, achieve, giving them a strong foundation for life. In this section, you will be able to find out how we organise and enrich the curriculum and how highly we value effective teaching and learning.

The Curriculum

Our curriculum comprises all of the learning experiences that we plan for the children to enable them to enjoy, learn and achieve. Through our curriculum intent we aim to ensure that the curriculum the children receive:

  • reflects our high expectations and promotes our school values
  • is broad and balanced, allowing pupils to develop a range of skills
  • helps the children to understand, know more and be able to do more
  • is enriched with exciting and enjoyable opportunities and experiences
  • promotes spiritual, social, moral and cultural development
  • enables children to develop their talents and interests
  • thoroughly prepares children for the next stage in their education and for their future lives as positive citizens

Essential skills for learning and foundations for life

At Sutton Veny CE Primary School we place great emphasis on equipping children with essential skills, that help to support their personal development and learning across all subjects. These skills are part of our everyday curriculum and routines. The skills apply to every age and stage of learning.

These essential skills are:

  • English skills (reading, writing, phonics, spelling, handwriting)
  • Mathematical skills (fluency in calculation and mathematical thinking and reasoning skills)
  • Communication Skills (language development, speaking, listening and engaging)
  • Computing (ICT) skills
  • Independent learning skills
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Self-reflection skills (understanding how to improve and get better at things)
  • Problem solving skills
  • Enterprise, innovation and creativity
The personal skills we strive to develop:

  • A positive attitude and desire to learn
  • Self-motivation
  • Curiosity and imagination
  • Self-confidence and belief
  • Independence and organisation
  • Resilience, determination and work ethic
  • A sense of achievement and self-worth
  • Respect for self, others and the environment


At Sutton Veny CE Primary School we follow the Early Learning goals for the Foundation Stage, and the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1 and 2. This means that parents and carers can be confident that children have learnt core knowledge and developed their skills and understanding within a wide range of subjects and topics, in preparation for their transition to secondary school.

The Foundation Stage

The curriculum for children in our Reception class is based on the following areas of learning. This is achieved through structured and self-initiated activities and adult led tasks.

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Physical development
  • Communication and language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the world
  • Expressive arts and design

Key Stages 1 and 2

Our curriculum is organised to ensure that all the National curriculum subjects are taught. Subjects may be taught individually, or within a topic.

The subjects the children learn are; English, Mathematics, Science, Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Languages, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education (RE) and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural), education, is a strand that appears across all curriculum subjects. Staff make sure these elements are considered and planned for in their long-term planning.

Enriching Our School Curriculum

The Enrichment Programme

We take pride in offering a rich and vibrant curriculum with specialist teachers in French, Music, Voice Tuition, PE, Dance, ICT and Outdoor Learning/Gardening. This means that all year groups have a the opportunity to learn and develop skills in many different areas.

Blocked Weeks

The curriculum is further enhanced with blocked weeks and themed days to enable in depth study in a particular area.

Themed Days

Themed days are planned to enrich and bring topics alive. This has included dressing up as a Victorian and experiencing life in a Victorian School, dressing as a knight or princess and experiencing life in Tudor Times. Our newsletter tells you what we have planned for each term.

Visits and Visitors

We plan visits to enhance and consolidate the learning that takes place in school and we regularly invite visitors in to school to share their expertise with the children. Throughout the year children have regular opportunities to see live professional productions and work with musicians and performers.