Nelson (Year 6)

Mrs Bell

Class Teacher

Mrs Jones

Teaching Partner- AM

Ms Last

Teaching Partner -PM

Early Morning Work

For the first half-an-hour of the day, the class focus on developing key skills in English and maths. The children work through a daily maths task to improve their mental agility. They will also have a handwriting task, which has a spelling, grammar or punctuation focus. This is also when children are heard read individually and also in guided groups. 

English and spelling is taught daily and develops reading, writing and speaking and listening skills. During the following  terms, the children will be focusing on the following texts:
  • Poetry
  • Narrative -setting and characterisation
  • Journalistic writing

Maths is taught daily from Monday to Friday.  Nelson Class will develop their mathematical reasoning skills by applying their mathematical knowledge and understanding to a range of different topics and areas of maths.
As a mathematician, the children will be focusing on both arithmetic and reasoning and problem solving skills across the following  topics in maths:
  • fractions, decimals and percentages
  • measurements
  • ratio
  • algebra
  • shape and geometry
  • area, perimeter and volume
  • statistics
In the following two terms, the class will be learning about the five pillars of Islam and the Christian concept- Salvation.
The children will be learning about the Natural Disasters in the following two terms and they will be focusing on the concepts, community, consequences and wonder. The children are working on the following skills:
  • identify global positions using longitude and latitude
  • reflect on the significance of the Prime Greenwich Meridian on world time zones
  • apply precise vocabulary and precise evidence to explain geographical features of a location
  • generate reasons as to why locations and place may change in the future
  • reflect on why some locations are similar and different to others, in relation to their human and physical features
  • apply six-figure grid references when identifying the positon of different places and landmarks
  • evaluate the impact of human and physical activity on the locations studied, describing the impact on the environment
  •  create a source that demonstrates an understanding of the locations studied


The children will be learning about networks and E-Safety over the following two terms and they will be focusing on the following skills:

  • Explain how different domain names can help when understanding information online.
  • Understand computer networks including the internet
  • Describe different services provided by the Internet and how information moves around the                 Internet.
  • Use knowledge of the meaning of different domain names and common website extensions 
  • Select and use a variety of methods to communicate and collaborate online.
  • Select, use and combine software on a range of digital devices for a specific project.
  • Create a digital source


The class will having PE on a Monday and Thursday afternoon.

PSHE is taught each term based on discussion and circle times. The children are given the opportunity to empathise with others and their emotions as well as coming to terms with and verbalising their own feelings and opinions. The children will be learning about  relationships and focusing on the following skills:


The children will be learning about evolution and inheritance and living things and their habitats  in the following two terms; the children will be focusing on the following skills:
  • to explain that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things from the past.
  • to now that off-spring vary and not identical to their parents
  • to identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment
  • to understand that adaptations could lead to evolution of a species. 
  • to describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to characteristics, similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals.
  • to give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.
  • to subdivide broad groupings, such as micro-organisms, plants and animals, into vertebrates and invertebrates. 
  • to use classification systems, such as keys, to identify animals and plants in our immediate environment
  • to describe the work of scientists who have led work on classification. 

Adding decimals 17 and 20

Daily 10

Fraction subtraction game

mental maths games