Nelson (Year 6)

Mrs Bell

Class Teacher

Mrs Jones

Teaching Partner- AM

Ms Last

Teaching Partner -PM

Early Morning Work

For the first half-an-hour of the day, the class focus on developing key skills in English and maths. The children work through a daily maths task to improve their mental agility. They will also have a handwriting task, which has a spelling, grammar or punctuation focus. This is also when children are heard read individually and also in guided groups. 

English and spelling is taught daily and develops reading, writing and speaking and listening skills. During the following  terms, the children will be focusing on the following texts:
Creative story writing
Classic text
Non-chronological report

Maths is taught daily from Monday to Friday.  Nelson Class will develop their mathematical reasoning skills by applying their mathematical knowledge and understanding to a range of different topics and areas of maths.
As a mathematician, the children will be focusing on both arithmetic and reasoning and problem solving skills across the following  topics in maths:
  • Place value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and division
In the following two terms, the class will be learning about the Christian concepts 'God and Incarnation'
The children will be learning about the Tudors in the following two terms and they will be focusing on the concepts, love, power and failure. The children are working on the following skills.
  • To critique two different versions of historical event
  • To understand that there were different monarchs during the Tudor period
  • To create a chronological framework to illustrate key changes
  • To judge the usefulness of a range of primary and secondary sources ranking them in terms of their reliability
  • To hypothesise why key changes occurred, formulating my own reasons to support this
  • To argue Britain’s influence on world history


The class will be having yoga sessions for enrichment on a Wednesday afternoon and Tag-rugby on a Tuesday afternoon.
The children will having class voice tuition with our voice coach- Caroline. They will be focusing on the following:
  • Singing and performing to others
  • Singing songs from different cultures
  • Exploring pitch/rhythm and ostinato
  • Understanding phrasing in singing


PSHE is taught each term based on discussion and circle times. The children are given the opportunity to empathise with others and their emotions as well as coming to terms with and verbalising their own feelings and opinions. The children will be learning about  relationships and focusing on the following skills:

  • To share ideas for ways we can care for the people around us
  • To identify some aspects of healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • To explore ways to resist pressure
  • To list factors that might show a relationship is unhealthy.


This term the children will be exploring how to make a meal from the beginning to the end. They will be focusing on the following skills:

  • To apply my understanding of nutrition
  • To prepare and cook a savoury dish using a wide range of cooking techniques and skills
  • To understand seasonality and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed.



The children will be learning about light in term one and focusing on the following skills:

  • To recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines
  • To use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye
  • To investigate how does the distance of a light source affect the length of a shadow?
  • To understand that light travels in straight lines and to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them
  • To use my knowledge of the light spectrum to help explore different phenomena such as: rainbows, colours on soap bubbles, colour filters and objects looking bent in water.

Adding decimals 17 and 20

Fraction subtraction game

mental maths games