Darwin (Year 3)

Mrs Clair Chatwin

Class Teacher (Monday - Thursday)

Mrs Alison Kjaer

Class Teacher (Fridays)

Mrs Cary

Teaching Partner

Suggestions for helping at home.docx


Welcome to Darwin class! We hope the information on our class page will help you support your child at home. We encourage regular practise of reading, spelling and times tables outside school as homework. Please see below for the objectives we will be learning in each lesson this term.

Darwin class will read daily: our class story and a nature poem of the day.

  • Reading Comprehension:  we will be focusing on finding literal information and deducing and inferring information from a text
  • Story Structures: we will be looking at the features that make a good story. We will be reading Stone Girl, Bone Girl and using Pie Corbett’s ‘talk for writing’ method to learn the story and innovate a section of it.
  • Information Texts: we will be looking at the features in information texts and making an e-book about Stonehenge and Skara Brae
  • Recounts: we will be exploring the features of a recount and writing our own recount of our activity day 

Please listen to your child read aloud daily and sign their link book.

 The children should try to read a variety of genres, little and often; to keep up their key skills and develop a love of reading. Warminster library will order books for free if your child is a member; a great way to keep up with the latest authors. They could also listen to audio books, read to younger members of the family, or be read to; in order to immerse themselves in literacy as much as possible. They could read to a Teddy or a pet!

Any type of writing they do will be beneficial. Writing their own weekly comments in their link book is a necessary part of their homework. Try to encourage accurate spelling and punctuation whenever they write, especially when writing their own comments in their link book.

Darwin class will practise their maths skills, by the following units this term:

  • Place Value: exploring numbers to 1000. 
  • Addition and Subtraction: adding and subtraction 1, 10, 100 and going across 10s, and 100s, adding and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers.

The children will continue to practise key maths skills through their early morning work- a 10 or 15 minute session each morning to practise speedy recall of number facts and maths skills learnt in previous terms. The children will continue do a weekly times tables test; moving through the times tables at their own individual pace; supported by work in school.


Our Science topic for the term is 'Rocks'.  We will be working scientifically to:

  • compare and group rocks based on their appearance and simple physical properties
  • use equipment to closely observe and classify rocks: grains or crystals
  • explore the properties of rocks: crumbliness, absorbency
  • describe how soil is made from rocks and organic matter
  • explore different soils and identify similarities and differences
  • know that different rocks are formed in different ways to create sedimentary and igneous rock
  • describe how fossils are formed


In terms 1 and 2, the children will explore ‘The Stomping Stone Age’:

  • How long ago was the stone age?
  • The three eras of the stone age were the mesolithic, paleolithic and neolithic periods.
  • How do we know about the Stone age? Cave paintings and archaeology
  • How did lifestyle change during the time? People moved from hunting and gathering to farming.


Structures: The children will be exploring Stonehenge through sketching and recreating a 3D model.


RE is taught weekly and worship is held daily.  This term the children will be exploring ‘Creation’ and answering the key question: ‘What do Christians learn from the creation story?’ and investigating prayer around the world.


During terms 1 and 2, the children will be learning about relationships during our weekly PSHE lessons.


The children will be learning the recorder this term and additionally, will explore the lyrics of hymns during our weekly hymn practise.





If you would like to support your child's maths learning, here is a link to some free booklets which are similar to the work we do in the classroom: