Elliston (Year 4)

Ms Lawrence

Class Teacher

Mrs Jones

Teaching Partner

Early Morning Work

For the first half-an-hour of the day, Year Four focus on developing key skills in English and Maths. The children work through a daily maths task to improve their mental agility. They will then complete a handwriting task based on spellings, grammar or presentation, or a reading comprehension task. Children will also be heard read once every other week during this time.


English is taught daily which develops reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. English units are usually taught over a two-week period. The children have the opportunity to learn about different texts and are encouraged to develop their own creativity and style. In English the children are taught key spellings, punctuation and grammar to help support their accuracy in reading and writing.

This term, Elliston Class will cover the following:

  • Poetry (2 weeks)
  • Stories with historical settings (3 weeks)

Maths is taught daily from Monday to Friday and the units covered are usually one week in length. The children build on their previous knowledge to extend their understanding in different aspects of mathematics, and apply their knowledge when solving mathematical problems and puzzles.

Elliston Class will cover the following units this term:

  • Decimals (2 weeks)
  • Money (2 weeks)
  • Time (1 week)


Our Science topic for Term 5 is 'Sound'. The children will develop their scientific knowledge, skills and understanding by:

  • explaining that sound is made by something vibrating.
  • describing how sound travels in waves to our ears.
  • finding patterns between the pitch of a sound and the size of the object which produced it.
  • finding patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.
  •          recognising that sounds get fainter as they distance from the source increases.


Topic (History and Geography)

Our Topic for Terms 5 and 6 is ‘Ancient Egyptians’; the children will be exploring the question ‘What should we treasure the most in life?’ We will be exploring the location of Egypt, the Egyptian beliefs and rituals, the significance of the River Nile and the impact on life in Egypt today.


This term, PE will take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. On Tuesdays lessons, they will be taking part in indoor gymnastics, developing their key skills, which will take place inside the hall.  On Wednesdays, the children will be taking part in tennis, with Mr Lewis outside.


PSHE is taught weekly. Our PSHE topic this term is ‘Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing’. The PSHE sessions give the children a chance to develop their communication skills, learn about themselves and others, as well as learning about the wider community.

The children will be taught to:

  • Understand ways of keeping physically and emotionally safe and healthy
  • Understand that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life in the same way as physical health
  • Develop techniques to calm themselves and manage difficult feelings.


The children will be participating in a variety of art activities during Arts Week in the last week of term. This is an opportunity for the children to truly embrace art in all forms, as well as to develop their artistic skills.

Religious Education

RE is taught weekly, where the children learn about different religions and themes. RE is also supported during themed collective worship each day. This term, the children will be exploring Buddhism, by enquiring ‘What is the best way for a Buddhist to lead a good life?’

Design Technology

The term we will be exploring cooking and nutrition; allowing the children to research, design, make, evaluate and reflect on their project to create an exciting and yummy final piece. We will be cooking food from the Egyptian times.  


The children are taught computing skills throughout the week during different lessons as a way to help develop and support their learning. This will include using a variety of programs on both iPads and laptops. The children follow the school SMART rules to ensure that they use the internet and ICT equipment sensibly.  This term they will be using ICT equipment to research our topic, present information and during Enrichment.