Canberra (Year 2)
Miss Gee
Class Teacher
Miss Griffin
Teaching Partner
Miss Berrington
PE Teacher (Thursday afternoons)
Following on from Canberra’s 'Fire' topic in Term 1, our topic for Term 2 is ‘Ice’.
Early Morning Work
For the first half-an–hour of the day, Year Two practise and consolidate key skills in Maths and English.
Children will read individually to the teacher during this time. They will be heard at least once per fortnight.
Additionally, interventions will take place as part of Early Morning Work.
English units span a one or a two-week period, and each unit will develop the children’s reading, writing and speaking and listening skills.
This term our units of study are:
- Poetry (2 weeks)
- Traditional Tales (2 weeks)
- Riddles (1 week)
- Poetry Recital (1 week)
To begin each English session, the children will participate in a Phonics session, which will include revision of Phase 3 to 5 sounds, as well as coverage of Phase 6 sounds and new spelling rules.
Maths is taught daily. The main focus of teaching is aimed at developing each child’s confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. They will work with numerals, words and the four operations, including access to lots of practical resources to support their understanding of the key concepts. The school follows the White Rose scheme of work, as well as Number Sense to support mental fluency. This term, we will be focusing on:
- Addition and Subtraction (3 weeks)
- Shape (3 weeks)
The children will continue to learn their x2 and x5 times tables, as well as the corresponding division facts, throughout the term.
During Science this term, the children will develop their scientific knowledge and understanding through our topic of ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’, which will link with our Antarctica geography topic. Within this unit of work, they will:
- Identify things that are living, dead and that have never lived.
- Explore how a specific habitat provides for the basic needs of things living there.
- Explore how animals find their food.
- Explain a simple food chain.
The children will also set up an investigation linked to our ‘Ice’ theme to explore the question: How can we slow down the melting of ice?
The children are taught computing skills throughout the week during different lessons as a way to help, develop and support their learning. This will include using a variety of programs on both the laptops and the iPads. The children follow the school's SMART rules to ensure that they use the internet and computing equipment sensibly. This term Canberra Class will be developing their understanding of and skills in:
- Creating their own Ebooks (linked to English)
- Presenting Information (linked to Science)
- Word Processing (linked to RE)
- Maths activities (exploring symmetry and Timestables Rockstars)
Religious Education
During RE lessons, the children learn about different religions and themes. RE is also supported during themed Collective Worship every day. This term the children will be exploring Incarnation in greater detail through the question: 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?'
Canberra Class will also be visiting Salisbury Cathedral during this term to learn about Advent and the Nativity in more depth.
Geography: Amazing Antarctica! What would it be like to spend twenty-four hours in Antarctica?
This term the children will develop their geographical skills through their study of Antarctica. This will include:
- Identifying the hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles.
- Using geographical vocabulary when talking about the environment.
- Asking questions about people who visit Antarctica.
During Term 2, the children in Canberra Class will consider their health and wealth-being through a ‘Safety First’ unit of work. They will consider how they can keep themselves safe, both at home and outside, and which people can help them to stay safe. As a part of Anti-Bullying Week 2024 (‘Choose Respect’ theme), Canberra Class will think about risky or negative relationships and they will also be exploring the ways in which we can treat ourselves and others with respect.
Physical Education
This term in PE, Canberra class will participate in Fitness sessions on Mondays. The class will also have Ball Skills sessions with Miss. Berrington every Thursday afternoon. These sessions will build on the children's previous experience and will allow them to enhance their co-ordination, balance and teamwork skills. Please ensure that your child wears his/her PE kit to school on these days to allow them to make the most of these lessons. Longer hair will need to be tied up and jewellery removed.
Art and Design
This term, Canberra will be exploring the art work of Frances Hatch, who visited Antarctica in 2005. They will use her art work as a starting point for their own pictures. They will also go on to explore colour mixing with a festive theme!
Design and Technology
This term's DT focus will be 'Christmas Stockings' (Textiles). Canberra Class will be designing, making and evaluating their product. Along the way, the children will develop techniques and sewing skills, as well as building on their critical thinking skills.
During Term 2, Canberra Class will be taught music by Mrs. Kjaer on Wednesdays, as part of our Enrichment afternoon. The children will be exploring the works of English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams and his musical piece ‘Lark ascending’. They will learn to play percussion instruments and follow rhythm patterns containing crotchets, quavers and rests.