Canberra (Year 2)

Miss Gee

Class Teacher

Miss Griffin

Teaching Partner

Miss Berrington

PE Teacher (Thursday afternoons)

Canberra's Topic for Term 1 is 'Fire', followed by an 'Ice' Topic in Term 2.


Early Morning Work

For the first half-an–hour of the day, Year Two practise and consolidate key skills in Maths and English.

Children will read individually to the teacher during this time.  They will be heard at least once per fortnight.

Additionally, interventions will take place as part of Early Morning Work.


English is taught daily and every unit is designed to develop the children’s reading, writing and speaking and listening skills.

This term our units of study are:

  • Recounts (1 week)
  • Folk Tales: How Rabbit Stole The Fire (2 weeks)
  • Persuasive Letters: A letter to King Charles II about re-building London after the great fire of 1666 (2 weeks)
  • Instructions: How to train a dragon (1 week)
  • Writing conferencing (1 week)

To begin each English session, the children will participate in a Phonics session, which will include revision of Phase 3 to 5 sounds, as well as coverage of Phase 6 sounds and new spelling rules. 


Maths is taught daily, with the main focus of teaching being developing every child’s confidence and mental fluency when working with whole numbers, place value and when counting. Canberra Class will work with numerals, words and the four operations, including lots of practical resources. The school follows the White Rose scheme of work and, this term, we will be focusing on:

  • Place Value (4 weeks)
  • Addition and Subtraction (3 weeks)

The children will also be introduced to their timestables during this term, and will have all received their own Timestables Rockstars account by the end of Term One. 


During Science this term, the children will develop their scientific knowledge and understanding through our topic of Everyday Materials. Within this unit of work, they will:

  • Identify and name a range of materials and explore the properties of common materials.
  • Suggest why a material might or might not be used for a specific job.
  • Explore how shapes can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
  • Perform a simple test to find out which materials are waterproof and which are absorbent.
  • Explore the importance of recycling plastic in order to look after the environment.

For their first Enrichment activity of this academic year, Canberra Class will participate in a Falconry session every Wednesday afternoon.


The children are taught computing skills throughout the week during different lessons as a way to help, develop and support their learning. This will include using a variety of programs on both the laptops and the iPads. The children follow the school's SMART rules to ensure that they always use the internet and ICT equipment sensibly and safely. This term, Canberra Class will be developing their understanding of and skills in:

  • Digital Art
  • Presenting information
  • Maths activities (introduction to Timestables Rockstars).

Religious Education

During, RE lessons the children learn about different religions and themes. RE is also supported during themed Collective Worship every day. This term the children will be exploring The Creation in greater depth through the question: 'Who made the world?'

History: London’s Burning, London’s Burning! How did a fire in 1666 change our lives today?

During Term 1, Canberra Class will develop their history skills through their study of the Great Fire of London. This will include finding out about the past from a range of sources, as well as exploring why people did things, why events occurred and what happened as a result. The children will also be exploring the concepts of adversity, courage and community in relation to this topic.


During Term 1, the children in Canberra Class will be exploring relationships through a ‘VIPs’ unit. They will consider who their ‘VIPs’ are and their own relationships with friends and family. They will discuss strategies to help with falling out, how they can work together and ways in which they can show that they care.

Physical Education

This term in PE, Canberra class will participate in Multi-Skills sessions every Monday. The class will also have Gymnastics with Miss. Berrington on Thursday afternoons. These sessions will build on the children's previous experience and will provide the children with opportunities to enhance their co-ordination, balance and teamwork skills. Please note that children will need to wear their PE kits into school on their PE days. Additionally, for all PE lessons, longer hair will need to be tied up and jewellery removed.

Design and Technology

Working creatively to design and make products, the children will investigate materials, with a particular focus on weaving during Term 1, before moving on to sewing in Term 2. They will be exploring how they can use a combination of colour, texture, line, shape, space and form in the creation of their weaved products.

Art and Design

Canberra Class will be using watercolours to create their own dragon painting this term, linked to our ‘Fire’ topic.


During Term 1, the children in Canberra Class will be learning how to play the ocarina. They will continue to copy and play simple rhythms in time with others and they will continue to interpret simple musical scores, including ‘London’s Burning’, which links to their History learning.