
Computing at Sutton Veny


"Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computing programming is an essential skill to learn." - Stephen Hawking


At Sutton Veny, we aim to equip the children with a diverse range of skills on various devices and the ability to use a wide variety of computer software. We understand that this variety allows the children to think creatively and problem solve for themselves which equips them with lifelong skills. We aim to provide the children with all of the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to use a wide variety of technology carefully, safely and effectively both inside and outside of school. During our computing sessions, we allow the children express themselves and develop their own ideas about the digital world, enabling them to become active participants in it. In addition to this, we aim to ignite a passion in the children which they can then carry with them through their education and their working life.


The children have access to centrally stored laptops, iPads, programmable robots and data recorders. Through regular access to a range of digital devices, the children become familiar and confident with a variety of different software and hardware and enjoy all of the opportunities that these provide when producing work across the curriculum.

Computing skills are taught throughout the year, covering word processing, programming, manipulating digital music and images and creating multi-media presentations on a variety of devices. This is carried out across all subjects in the curriculum as we value the opportunities that different software can hold when presenting work and value the children building on their previous knowledge to become confident with this software. We also continually focus on the importance of online respect and safety as well as focusing on it during Esafety week each year.

Programming skills are taught by using a variety of floor and on-screen robots and simulations as the children design, write and adapt their own instructions for a given task. The robots range from simple programmable toys to complex MicroBits whilst the on-screen experiences include creating procedures for drawing patterns and designing computer games and animations, utilising online programs like Scratch which spark excitement and enjoyment from the children.


The children also come to understand how a network functions, how a computer receives information from the internet and the opportunities networks offer for communication and collaboration. They learn how to use search engines effectively and how to judge the quality and authenticity of online information.


Through our online safety programme, the children are trained to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly and how to recognise acceptable and unacceptable on-line behaviour. For more information on online safety please click here.

Digital Leaders

Our Digital Leaders carry out a very important role at Sutton Veny CE Primary School. They are responsible for ensuring that the equipment is looked after properly and assisting other children in the problem-free use of technological devices.

They are trained to know what to do when there are any issues with the iPads, laptops, robots and the Internet or if another child is not sure what to do as well as getting their own work completed effectively. After signing the Responsible Use Agreement for Digital Leaders, they are entrusted with passwords and access to the device settings which enables them to fulfil their role and support the children in their class effectively.

The children are also responsible for running assemblies to advise others how to be safe and responsible users of technology and the Internet. They have produced school displays and classroom guidance covering a broad range of information, including advice posters that have been published on our website.

In each class from Canberra Class to Nelson Class, there are Digital Leaders and each year new leaders are selected from the eager applicants. We usually have a total of ten of these advisers and organisers as well as some deputies who regularly give up their free time to set up classrooms and maintain the equipment and data. We are all very grateful and proud of their support and feel the children rise excellently to the challenge of the role.

Computing Policy and Curriculum Progression

Computing Policy

Computing Curriculum Progression

COMPUTER CODING is creating a set of instructions in order to tell your computer what to do.

If you would like to practise your coding skills with Angry Bird or Elsa and Anna click on the links below:
Or if you would like to practise your coding skills with Scratch,  you can do so online by clicking here

For instructions click on the relevant PDF below.

Getting Started

Level 1

Felix and Herbert

Whack a Witch


Level 2

Fruit Machine

Fish Chomp

Desert Race

Level 3

Paint Box

What's That